
Samoa Code of Media Practice

1. That the draft Codes are made available for wide consultation in Samoa, embracing representatives of all major media outlets, including those who were not available during my visit, as well as those with whom I had discussions.1
2. That the comments and suggestions be returned to The Thomson Foundation, so that I can make amendments, as appropriate.
3. That the final draft be considered and approved by all the interested parties in the Samoan media and be circulated widely for the information of government and civil society.
4. That the Government of Samoa should be invited to:
· Endorse the Code;
· Require all broadcasting service providers to adhere to it as part of their licence obligations; and to -
· Take steps to repeal both the Criminal Defamation Act and the Publishers and Printers Act as a matter of urgency.
5. That the media simultaneously takes a decision in favour of exploring the desirability, composition, funding and remit of a Media Council of Samoa, which could adjudicate on alleged breaches of the Code.
6. That at the same time a standing committee of the Samoa media, representing all major disciplines and including representative members who are not necessarily associated with JAWS, be formed to review the Code after the first year of operation, and then at least every two years, and revise it as appropriate.
7. That attempts be made to set up a system of common content-labelling for broadcasting, films and DVD and video recordings in conjunction with the media outlets and the censor’s office.
8. That there is consultation between media outlets on the advisory code for socially sensitive advertising, so that the indicative rules, as amended, may be consolidated into the general provisions of the Advertising Code.

1 A list of those with whom I had discussions is included in the Appendix on Page 20.


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